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My Six Words: Back when we had Walt Disney
As a child, I have always loved watching movies. I always thought of them as entertaining and funny to watch. However, my favorites have always been the older Disney movies. Specifically, the movies Disney supervised/produced. It is these films that shaped my childhood in a positive way. They helped me laugh and smile. The movies Walt Disney made were original and hilarious. When I was sad or angry, these movies always made me feel better. I miss the old, original movies of Disney, not the new, cliched movies they publish nowadays. Walt Disney is an inspiration to me to keep doing what I desire, even if nobody is on my side. When Walt Disney wanted to make Snow White into feature-length animated movie, everybody thought he was crazy. However, he wisely didn't listen to them, and he ended up making $8 million. Disney taught me to persevere and to think for yourself. It shouldn't matter what others do. What does matter is what you want and that you are willing to achieve it. This is why I want more movies like this- to take me back to my happy childhood, to remember Walt Disney.
I agree the older Disney movies were better. Now the people can't find something original. For example Tangle which is based on a princess with long hair, but I have to admit they are funnier then some older movies.