Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research- Final Draft

Dominique Aranda
3rd  Period
The Colt of the Herd
Siblings are the most influential people of our lives. We see their mistakes and learn from them. Our personalities shape as we get older. There was a study, called The Birth Order Research Findings, that demonstrated the connection between a person’s personality and their birth order placement. The youngest of the family, for instance, is supposed to be affectionate, carefree, and a show off. However, as accurate this study is, it failed to describe who I am, despite being the youngest of the family.
One of the many traits listed in the research was affection. However, affection is one of my weaker attributes. It has always been difficult for me to display compassion or my “soft side.” Whenever I do show affection, I feel vulnerable and the center of attention. I only give hugs and kisses to my mother and rarely my father. When my friends tear up in front of me, I don’t give out hugs. Instead I try to cheer them up or leave them alone. As a matter of fact, I don’t even show affection towards babies. I believe babies are a blessing, but I don’t see why people exaggerate how special babies. As a child I was limited to the amount of “warmth” I received. I get hugs from my father when it’s Christmas or my birthday. My family failed in teaching me how to share my emotions.
Due to the little responsibilities the young one has, they are often the most carefree of the children. On the contrary, I find myself worrying constantly about what could go wrong. As a perfectionist, everything I do must be done to best ability I have to ensure I receive full credit.
An example may be a project due the next day. Even if it’s simple project, I worry whether I missed something or read the directions wrong. I have high expectations to surpass and I have to achieve them. Tests always make me nervous and scared. My greatest fear is that I receive an inadequate score. For instance, last week, I took a test for Chemistry on the lab equipment. I studied all week and memorized everything. When I finally took the test, my heart was pounding and I was very tense. In the end, however, I earned a hundred percent on the quiz. Usually, I worry about anything that can gravely affect my grade.
Showing off is common among the youngest of the family, yet I restrain myself from doing so. I don’t like to show off because I feel as though I am bragging or acting conceited. To better illustrate this picture, last year I earned straight “A’s,” however, I did not brag to my classmates or friends, nor did I post my grades on the internet. I showed my grades only to my parents and my close friends. There is no need for the entire world to know about me, and showing off isn’t going to help. A second example would be when I first received a bicycle. I did not display it for the neighborhood to know about. I didn’t brag to others as it may make them feel bad for not owning a bicycle. It’s hard for me to show off when I know there are so many kids with nothing to call theirs.
Personalities can be similar but not the same. Each personality is unique in their own way. My personality was meant to be more outgoing and loving, but mine came out different. The research was intriguing as it compared the differences in personalities among the siblings. The research was very well written with extensive vocabulary. This study helped me realize how closed off I can be, which can hurt me in the long run. By not socializing, I can quickly feel lonely in this world. With this research, I can pinpoint what I am failing to do and work on those weaknesses. It is important to realize that a study should not decide who you are. Only you can choose how you want to define yourself.


  1. Great job, this is a very well written paper. I really enjoyed all the examples you gave for each paragraph. I also thought you had a very intriguing introduction and a strong conclusion.

  2. Great work. I love the descriptive manner the whole essay contains as well as your catchy title.
