Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

1. Four fundamental questions that myths address:

  • Who am I?
  • How much control do I have over my my own life?
  • What must I do in order to survive?
  • How can I lead a satisfying life? 
2. Four themes of myths:

  • The first "parents" were gods of sky and Earth.
  • A cycle of birth, maturity, and death, then you are re-birthed.
  • The first humans were made out of trees or clay.
  • A large flood occurred and destroyed Earth.
3. The beginning of the universe for most major cultures was that Earth was filled with chaos. As a result, the Gods separates everything, from planets to oceans. During this process, the Gods create humans form clay or trees.

4. Hero myths and epics teach members of society the appropriate behavior, attitudes, and values of that culture.

5. Ordinary people identify with heroes because heroes have human weaknesses that humans can relate to. Examples may be arrogance or selfishness.

6. The foundation of the Matriarchal Society was the political, economic, social, and religious foundation was the agriculture.

7. Sigmund Freud's view of myths is that myths are the expression of the individual's unconscious wishes, fears, and drives. This basically illustrates how a person wants to do/be something that is unattainable. So, myths are a way of releasing what your greatest desire is.

8. Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live in; myths show that people had the ability to understand this world.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research- Final Draft

Dominique Aranda
3rd  Period
The Colt of the Herd
Siblings are the most influential people of our lives. We see their mistakes and learn from them. Our personalities shape as we get older. There was a study, called The Birth Order Research Findings, that demonstrated the connection between a person’s personality and their birth order placement. The youngest of the family, for instance, is supposed to be affectionate, carefree, and a show off. However, as accurate this study is, it failed to describe who I am, despite being the youngest of the family.
One of the many traits listed in the research was affection. However, affection is one of my weaker attributes. It has always been difficult for me to display compassion or my “soft side.” Whenever I do show affection, I feel vulnerable and the center of attention. I only give hugs and kisses to my mother and rarely my father. When my friends tear up in front of me, I don’t give out hugs. Instead I try to cheer them up or leave them alone. As a matter of fact, I don’t even show affection towards babies. I believe babies are a blessing, but I don’t see why people exaggerate how special babies. As a child I was limited to the amount of “warmth” I received. I get hugs from my father when it’s Christmas or my birthday. My family failed in teaching me how to share my emotions.
Due to the little responsibilities the young one has, they are often the most carefree of the children. On the contrary, I find myself worrying constantly about what could go wrong. As a perfectionist, everything I do must be done to best ability I have to ensure I receive full credit.
An example may be a project due the next day. Even if it’s simple project, I worry whether I missed something or read the directions wrong. I have high expectations to surpass and I have to achieve them. Tests always make me nervous and scared. My greatest fear is that I receive an inadequate score. For instance, last week, I took a test for Chemistry on the lab equipment. I studied all week and memorized everything. When I finally took the test, my heart was pounding and I was very tense. In the end, however, I earned a hundred percent on the quiz. Usually, I worry about anything that can gravely affect my grade.
Showing off is common among the youngest of the family, yet I restrain myself from doing so. I don’t like to show off because I feel as though I am bragging or acting conceited. To better illustrate this picture, last year I earned straight “A’s,” however, I did not brag to my classmates or friends, nor did I post my grades on the internet. I showed my grades only to my parents and my close friends. There is no need for the entire world to know about me, and showing off isn’t going to help. A second example would be when I first received a bicycle. I did not display it for the neighborhood to know about. I didn’t brag to others as it may make them feel bad for not owning a bicycle. It’s hard for me to show off when I know there are so many kids with nothing to call theirs.
Personalities can be similar but not the same. Each personality is unique in their own way. My personality was meant to be more outgoing and loving, but mine came out different. The research was intriguing as it compared the differences in personalities among the siblings. The research was very well written with extensive vocabulary. This study helped me realize how closed off I can be, which can hurt me in the long run. By not socializing, I can quickly feel lonely in this world. With this research, I can pinpoint what I am failing to do and work on those weaknesses. It is important to realize that a study should not decide who you are. Only you can choose how you want to define yourself.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits


                                                 BOR Research and Evidence T-chart

What the Research says:                                                    Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy:


  •  I agree completely with this as I have zero patience when it comes to anything. For example, I get mad when people take to long to get ready or  if they take a long time answering a question.


  •  I am very critical because I am a perfectionist. I like to do things my way and if its not, then I get frustrated and demanding.


  • I am a very simple person. I don't like drama nor unnecessary problems. I believe there is no point to starting problems as they lead to nothing good.


  •  Often I have been told that I am too mature for my age. My sister used to say my playtime involved reading a book instead of playing with toys. Also, I am the few people that take   into consideration the outcomes among my cousins.

Blames others:

  •  I don't like to blame others because I should be able to take responsibility for my actions. I hate it when people blame their actions on me because they had a choice of doing one thing or another. For example, when I make a mistake about something, I don't point fingers. There is no use as I will get caught.

Shows Off:

  •  This is inaccurate as I don't like showing off. I feel as though it comes off as bragging or   being conceited. An example would be if I were to win an award; I would not post it on Facebook or Instagram. I would probably tell my parents and/or my friends. However, I would not tell random people my list of achievements.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vocabulary #1

Words from Latin Roots #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
  1. agenda: a list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to bedone, matters to be acted or voted upon, etc.
    • I record all of my assignments in my agenda.
  2. agile: quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe
    • I am very agile when it comes to cross country meets. 
  3. alienate: to make indifferent or hostile
    • It is very sad to see kids alienate others for their differences.
  4. altercation: a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy.
    • My mother and I had an altercation over who was supposed to wash the dishes.
  5. amiable: having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable
    • My sister is amiable in the sense that she helps others before herself.
  6. amorous: inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love
    • The newly wed couple were very amorous as they kept flirting with each other.
  7. animated: full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous
    • My friend is animated by how I have never seen her anything but happy. 
  8. equanimity: mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tensionor strain; calmness; equilibrium.
    • I regained my equanimity after a stressful test. 
  9. inalienable: not alienablenot transferable to another or capable of being repudiated
    • The right to pursuit happiness is an inalienable right. 
  10. inanimate: not animate; lifeless.
    • My brown grass seems to be inanimate. 
  11. magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness
      • I am very magnanimous in the way that I ignored all of the insults I have received before. 
  12. reactionary: of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reactionespecially extremeconservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
    • My friend is reactionary because she is conservative on many of the issues that the government discusses. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections on Week #1

My Reflection

1. The only factor that may affect my performance are smart phones since nobody in my family has one. It may get difficult using vine or another app.

2. The best learning experience that changed me was Sedgwick Reserve. In this reserve, I learned outside, in a visual manner. I learned how nature works, such animal food chains, astronomy, and more. The Sedgwick Reserve was a reserve that my 4th and 5th grade class went to. It was on those field trips that I realized that I learned best interacting and watching what was going on. I learned a lot because I was interested in what the docents were explaining. Also, these docents interacted with the students and asked questions. Overall, being actively interactive and visual helped me learn better.

3. I am most concerned with the workload that this class gives since I have other classes and extracurricular activities. However, I look forward to learning about a new book. I have not read a book of my choice in a very long time. Learning about a new book will be practical in life, because it will shape my mind and allow me to think critically.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Six Words

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My Six Words: Back when we had Walt Disney

As a child, I have always loved watching movies. I always thought of them as entertaining and funny to watch. However, my favorites have always been the older Disney movies. Specifically, the movies Disney supervised/produced. It is these films that shaped my childhood in a positive way. They helped me laugh and smile. The movies Walt Disney made were original and hilarious. When I was sad or angry, these movies always made me feel better. I miss the old, original movies of Disney, not the new, cliched movies they publish nowadays. Walt Disney is an inspiration to me to keep doing what I desire, even if nobody is on my side. When Walt Disney wanted to make Snow White into feature-length animated movie, everybody thought he was crazy. However, he wisely didn't listen to them, and he ended up making $8 million. Disney taught me to persevere and to think for yourself. It shouldn't matter what others do. What does matter is what you want and that you are willing to achieve it.  This is why I want more movies like this- to take me back to my happy childhood, to remember Walt Disney.