Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ebola Article Questions and Answers

Still Wrong Ebola RX- Responses

1. Betsy McCaughey identifies that the CDC is encouraging more hospitals to be Ebola-ready as a problem in her commentary. The CDC wants more hospitals to be more prepared to react to Ebola.
2. The solutions she offers are to expand the capacity of our country's four-containment hospitals and strengthen them with better precautions. 
3. Infection expert, Sean Kaufman, views the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients to be very irresponsible and even wrong since the person's skin is still showing. 
4.The point Rep. Michael Burgess made about CDC head Thomas Frieden's suit was showing that Friedman's body suit covered his entire body whereas the clothing set for doctors and nurses here were less protective, as well as weak. 
     a. I agree with McCaughey's recommendation to rely on the nation's bio-containment facilities because it's true that these rooms were designed to contain any harmful viruses and germs; allow patients the right environment to reach a full recovery. However, I believe there should be one room, at least, that replicates the bio-containment facilities far from other patients and heavily monitored in case there's a possibility that doctors are not able to send a sick patient to a different medical facility. Overall, all ebola patients should be kept in a bio-containment facility unless an adequate reason prevents doctors from transporting a patient. 
      b. My mother agrees with this statement because she doesn't want the illness to spread to other people and cause an epidemic. She also makes the point that these facilities were created to treat these illnesses whereas hospitals weren't. 

1 comment:

  1. Great response to #5 Dominique, very thorough explanation
