Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Vocabulary #3

Words from Latin Roots # 3

Roots and Derivatives:

1. aud (it): hear
2. avi: bird
3. bell (i): war
4. bene (e): good, well

Word List:

1. antebellum (a): before the war, especially the American Civil War; typical of how things were before any war

  • In the antebellum South, slavery was a common practice. 
2. audit (v, n): to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records, the process of making such an examination

  • Many company's need to audit their accounts in order to keep track of their money.
3. auditory (a): related to the sense of hearing

  • People who are deaf may have a problem with their auditory nerves. 
4. avian (a): characteristic of or pertaining to birds

  • The wings of a plane are avian characteristics. 
5. aviary (n): an elaborate structure for housing birds

  • In order to prevent birds from flying off, wild birds in the zoo live in aviaries
6. avionics (n): the technology of (using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight

  • Avionics made it possible for Neil Armstrong to reach the moon. 
7. bellicose (a): eager to fight or quarrel, hostile

  • The wife was bellicose as soon as she heard of her husband's cheating.
8. belligerency (n): the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action

  •   Once Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, The U.S.A was in a stage of belligerency
9. benefactor (n): a person who gives another (financial) help, a patron

  • Bill Gates is an important benefactor for the education system.
10. beneficiary (n): one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy

  • My aunt was the beneficiary since the insurance covered the car damages due to the accident.
11. benign (a): not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured
  • Everybody was relieved that the boy's tumor was benign and simply needed surgery to remove it. 
12. inaudible (a): unable to be heard

  • As young children, we may be able to hear things that are inaudible for senior citizens. 

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